PLEASE NOTE: for the next couple of weeks TELECONSULTS will move to an “On Demand” mode, as Dr. Richards is currently teaching veterinary students. Please email us for availability if you wish to have a teleconsult.

Teleconsult - Required Documents

The following items are recommended to get the most out of your ophthalmic teleconsult.

A) Photos: Ideally the following photographs would be helpful.

  1. Face photo from a distance - head on (facial symmetry)
  2. Photo of the left and right sides of the face.
  3. Close up pictures of both eyes.
  • Small animal: from front and the side
  • Equine/ Large: from in front, lateral and behind the eye
  1. Focused photograph of the lesions of concern (with and without fluorescein).
  2. If possible, photographs of the lens and fundus.  Mydriatics (Mydriacyl 1% is useful here.  You will need 30-40min for dilation to be complete). 
  • NOTE: do not dilate the pupil if you have concerns about the lens position.
  1. You could try imaging through the Panophthlamoscope if there is a lesion on the fundus
  2. Video of each eye - 2-4 separate videos are good - one of the cornea and front of the eye and one of the fundus for each eye.

These photos can easily be taken using a cell phone and the appropriate ap. I will be posting more information about using cell phones to image the eye.  In the interim, please contact for further instructions.

B) Completed Exam Form: The exam form can be obtained by selecting it under the virtual ophthalmology services tab or by emailing A video explaining how to fill this form out is available under the “Videos and Tips” tab.

C) Any information you feel is pertinent to the case. For example, recent laboratory work or imaging studies.

Once the case information has been received, it will be reviewed and a detailed report will be provided via email. In some urgent cases, a phone call will be initiated to ensure timely response.